Class Castro Donaldson Puneke 12, Collin McClutchie Kei 5B, Evie Nathan Kei 5A, India Pateman Kei 3, Isaiah Earle Takere 6B, Joe Lewis Kei 3, John Higgs Takere 6B, Keanu Wrathall Takere 8, Keita Kennedy Kei 5A, Lavinia Sutherland Kei 5B, Legion Paaka-Smith Takere 8, Lexie Grennell Kei 5B, Margaret Pickering Takere 6A, Mattix Tipene-Wall Puneke 14, May Fudakowska Puneke 11, Poppy Price Kei 5A, Preston Potae Takere 8, Ruby Mitchell Kei 3, Ryder Lukic-Nathan Puneke 14, Tetoa Mokotupu Takere 8, Thomas Hardee Puneke 12, Thomas Ogilvie Puneke 11, Tiani Reedy Puneke 14, Tyler Molloy Takere 8, Wesley Narawa Takere 8, West McLaughlin Takere 6B, Willy Keith Takere 6A, Xavier Woods Takere 6B
This Thursday and Friday, the following students will be at Burnside High for two transition days. Students will be picked up at 9:00 and returned by 2:50 by Burnside staff. Lunches will be provided.
About the Author: Peter Fowler
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