Testing continues for the Year 7 Groups:

8:40AM Red Group during this time. All members please. I would like to see individual students from the Purple Group. Starting with Jade -Kei 1.

9:20AM Purple Group-all of this group during this time. I would like to see individual students from the Red Group. Starting with Cohalu.

10:15AM Green Group.

Individual testing starting with Sefo and Daniel. I would like to see these students for a writing sample: Andy, Bohyeon, and Kei.

10:55AM: Magenta Group: I would like to see Julia and Bryce – Puneke 15. I would also like to see Jeever, Yuchen, Shawn, Kevin C, Sila, and Kenora.

12:15PM Yellow Group

1:50PM Orange Group

Miss Paton is looking forward to seeing you.