Do you play an orchestral instrument and would you like to play in the Wairarapa Cobham Intermediate Orchestra? Auditions start next week!
Mr Mark Hodgkinson is the Orchestra conductor who will be taking the auditions.
Dates, times and instruments as follows:
Monday 10 February 8:15am – ALL Year 8 students – last year’s students and any new Y8 students who would like to audition as follows: 8:15am – Y8 VIOLINS, 9:15am Y8 VIOLAS, CELLOS, DOUBLE BASSES, 9:45am Y8 wind, Brass and Percussion
Tuesday 11 February 8:15am – Year 7 students who play an orchestral stringed instrument -violin, viola, cello, double bass
Thursday 13 February 8:15am – Year 7 students who play an orchestral wind, brass, or percussion instrument – includes piano
Audition requirements:
Students will need to prepare a solo piece and a scale of at least one octave. Music may be used for both the piece and the scale. There will also be some sight-reading.
A HERO notice has been sent to your parents about orchestra auditions and a copy of the audition form. There will be spare forms at the audition if you can’t print one at home.