In 2022, Wairarapa Cobham Intermediate opened three new hapori classroom buildings and a state-of-the-art STEAM unit. The rebuild has three phases, with the final stage – including the administration block and hall – expected to open at the beginning of 2024.
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa New Zealand Curriculum is taught alongside a robust set of values that intertwine every aspect of daily life in the school.

Cultural Narrative
The Board of Trustees is entrusted to provide governance of the school on behalf of the stakeholders. Stakeholders include school students, their families, teachers and staff and the school community. Contact email:
The Board of Trustees (Board) comprises Trustees who are elected or appointed to the Board.
The Board is entrusted to provide governance of the school on behalf of the stakeholders. Stakeholders include school students, their families, teachers and staff and the school community.
Governance is the high level control of the school to ensure future performance and current compliance.
The Board provides strategic leadership rather than operational management. The Board’s role is to set plans and strategies that will enable the school to “enhance student achievement” and at the same time ensure Cobham Intermediate School complies with legal and policy requirements.
Governance is about leadership through a defined and balanced interaction between the Board and management. Trustees have a duty to know what their role and responsibilities are in the organisation. It is important that the board does not become involved in managing the organisation. The Board need to have the flexibility within the governance framework to respond to student needs.
The Principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the School on behalf of the Board. The Principal has a key role in working with the Board to implement Board approved strategy and through informing that strategy by providing high quality, relevant and comprehensive information on student learning and achievement and key issues that are affecting the School.
The Principal provides leadership to teachers and staff within Cobham Intermediate School to build an environment that encourages learning and achievement.
The Principal is also a voting member of the Board of Trustees and contributes to Board decisions, except for matters relating to his or her appointment or where he/she is otherwise conflicted.